
The Great RA

According to Egyptian scholars, Ra was the almost universally-worshipped king of the gods and all-father of creation. As the sun god, he was said to command the chariot that rode across the sky during the day. He is the most central god of the Egyptian pantheon. Maybe that is why this pillow was the most difficult yet to master - a 13" x 20" pillow weighing in at a whopping 4lbs. 2oz. If it sounds like a birth announcement - indeed, I "felt the pain" and am indeed proud! I learned to use a cording foot, to couch threads, to find decorative stitches and manage to sew them straight, to perfect my photography skills - list seems endless. This is the final pillow that will let me know if I am allowed to continue this journey I have embarked upon. Wish me well.

1 comment:

Ann O'Donovan UK said...

Truly a pillow fit for the Sun God himself- great work!